martes, 17 de noviembre de 2015

Pets - 1st stage (Primary Education)

Subject: Natural Science 
Teacher: Nauzet Suárez Cabrera
Unit 4: Pets 
Level: 1st Primary Education

We are going to work the topic about pets that is related to English and Science subjects. This unit is established at 1st stage, 6-7 years old, and we will focus on oral skills. The final project is an exhibition about their own pets. The sessions will begin learning the vocabulary about pets and basic verbs related to it, reading skills. Then we will develop practical sessions where our pupils will work on listening and writing. At the end, they will improve their speaking skills through and exhibition. We will show all their projects in the classroom.

1. Learning outcomes
/ Evaluation criteria
- To recognise the most common pets: dog, cat, fish, bird, turtle and hamster.
- To identify the different parts of the body in these pets: head, body, tail, wing, paw, fin and shell.
To talk about their basic characteristics as animals and be aware about the importance of looking after them.
2. Subject Content
- Pets: dog, cat, fish, bird, turtle and hamster.
- Parts of the body: head, body, tail, wing, paw, fin and shell.
- The characteristics of pets: appearance, body, food and hobbies.
- Actions: walk, run, swim and fly.
3. Language Content / Communication

- Nouns: dog, cat, fish, bird, turtle, hamster, head, body, tail, paw, wing, fin, shell.
- Verbs: walk, run, swim, fly, eat, sleep.
- Adjectives: big, small, happy, sad, hungry.
- Prepositions: in, on, under.
- Routines: do you have a pet?; do you feed your pet?; what is its name?; where does it live?; what coulour is it?;...
- Content: What does your pet like to do? My dog likes running outside. (Present simple)
- Classroom management: listen to me; are you ready?; do you understand me?; can you repeat please?; raise your hand;...
Language skills / Discourse type
Reading, listening and speaking.
4. Contextual (cultural) element
To know the different pets in order to love and take care of them.
5. Cognitive (thinking) processes
Understand and compare.
6. (a) Task(s)
Worksheet nº1: Pets.
Worksheet nº2: Class pet survey.
Worksheet nº3: Animal coverings.
Worksheet nº 4: My pet.
6. (b) Activities
- Listening a song: I have a pet song.
- Flashcards.
- Video: The animal shelter.
- Class pet survey.
- Presentation of my pet, worksheet 4.

- Singing a song: I have a pet song.
- Flashcards.
- Video: The animal shelter.
- Class pet survey.
- Presentation of my pet, worksheet 4.

- Reading interactive texts: Completing sentences.
- Worksheet 3.

- Activities (Worksheets 1, 2 and 4).
7. Methodology

Organization and class distribution / timing
The methodology will be active and participatory; in addition, it must facilitate both individual and group learning.
The methodology will be focus on oral skills through this stage.
Resources / Materials
Book and fotocopies:



Interactive activities :
Key Competencies
Linguistic competence, mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, digital competence, social and civic competence and learning to learn competence.

8. Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
Evaluation criteria:
- To recognise the most common pets.
- To identify the parts of the body in a pet.
- To describe a pet.
- To understand the importance of looking after animals.

Evaluation instruments:
- Continuous assessment of each student through his/her work during the lessons.
- Presentation of his/her pet, rubric.

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